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Testing a Reactive Sequence with StepVerifier

StepVerifier allows us to define, one, the expectations when we subscribe to a publisher, answering questions such as:

  • How many elements do we expect next?
  • For how much time can we expect no elements?
  • Do the publisher has discarded at least one element?

And two, what happens when our stream completes:

  • Do we expect a completion signal?
  • Do we expect an error of the specified type?
  • Do we expect the sequence times out after a provided Duration?

You can test every step of the sequence, and if one of them doesn’t match your defined expectation, StepVerifier will throw an AssertionError.

In general, here’s what you can do to test a sequence:

Steps to test a sequence

  1. Create a StepVerifier from a Publisher using methods such as create(Publisher) or withVirtualTime(Supplier<Publisher>).
  2. Define expectations about the values of the sequence using methods such as expectNext(T t) or expectNextMatches(Predicate).
  3. Finalize the test using a terminal expectation such as expectComplete() or expectError().
  4. Verify all the expectations and signals by calling one of the verification methods such as verify() or verify(Duration).

For this, the methods of StepVerifier work with four nested interfaces:

  • StepVerifier.FirstStep<T>, for testing the expectation of a Subscription as the first signal.
  • StepVerifier.Step<T>, for testing the expectation of main sequence individual signals.
  • StepVerifier.Assertions, for post-verification state assertions.
  • StepVerifier.ContextExpectations<T>, for testing expectations about the Context.
  • StepVerifier.LastStep, for testing terminal states.

Let’s review a few examples.

First of all, we’ll need a Flux or Mono to test its behavior:

Flux<Integer> getFlux() {
    return Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4)
            .filter(i -> i % 2 == 0);

Now, we can use StepVerifier to test if the sequence really contains 2 and 4, for example:

  .create(getFlux())              // 1
  .expectNext(2)                  // 2
  .expectNextMatches(i -> i == 4) // 3
  .expectComplete()               // 4
  .verify();                      // 5

StepVerifier’s API follows the style of the builder pattern for chaining methods:

  1. First, we get a StepVerifier instance by passing the sequence to test the static method create.
  2. Then, we set up an expectation for the first element emitted by the sequence. In this case, with the method expectNext(T), we can pass the value we’re expecting directly.
  3. Next, we do the same for the second element, but this time, using the method expectNextMatches(Predicate), we can use a Predicate to test something about the emitted value.
  4. In this case, the sequence should complete, so with expectComplete(), we test for a completion signal.
  5. Finally, we call the method verify() to trigger the test.

The result of running this example will be a passed test.

Remember, if any of the expectations fail, StepVerifier will throw an AssertionError, making the whole test fail.

For example, if we comment out expectNextMatches(i -> i == 4), the test will expect a completion signal after the sequence emits the first element, which is not correct and will cause the following error:

java.lang.AssertionError: expectation "expectComplete" failed (expected: onComplete(); actual: onNext(4))
	at reactor.test.MessageFormatter.assertionError(
	at reactor.test.MessageFormatter.failPrefix(
	at reactor.test.MessageFormatter.failOptional(
	at reactor.test.DefaultStepVerifierBuilder.lambda$expectComplete$4(
	at reactor.test.DefaultStepVerifierBuilder$SignalEvent.test(
	at reactor.test.DefaultStepVerifierBuilder$DefaultVerifySubscriber.onSignal(
	at reactor.test.DefaultStepVerifierBuilder$DefaultVerifySubscriber.onExpectation(
	at reactor.test.DefaultStepVerifierBuilder$DefaultVerifySubscriber.onNext(
	at reactor.core.publisher.FluxFilterFuseable$FilterFuseableSubscriber.onNext(
	at reactor.core.publisher.FluxArray$ArrayConditionalSubscription.fastPath(
	at reactor.core.publisher.FluxArray$ArrayConditionalSubscription.request(
	at reactor.core.publisher.FluxFilterFuseable$FilterFuseableSubscriber.request(
	at reactor.test.DefaultStepVerifierBuilder$DefaultVerifySubscriber.onSubscribe(
	at reactor.core.publisher.FluxFilterFuseable$FilterFuseableSubscriber.onSubscribe(
	at reactor.core.publisher.FluxArray.subscribe(
	at reactor.core.publisher.FluxArray.subscribe(
	at reactor.core.publisher.Flux.subscribe(
	at reactor.test.DefaultStepVerifierBuilder$DefaultStepVerifier.toVerifierAndSubscribe(
	at reactor.test.DefaultStepVerifierBuilder$DefaultStepVerifier.verify(
	at reactor.test.DefaultStepVerifierBuilder$DefaultStepVerifier.verify(
	at net.eherrera.reactor.m9.Test_01_StepVerifierAPI.example_01_SimpleExample(

Now let’s review each step in more detail.

The create method has three versions.

The first one takes the publisher to subscribe to and verify:

StepVerifier.FirstStep<T> create(
    Publisher<? extends T> publisher

The second one takes an additional parameter that represents the amount of items to request:

StepVerifier.FirstStep<T> create(
    Publisher<? extends T> publisher, long n

And the third one, in addition the publisher, takes an instance of the class StepVerifierOptions:

StepVerifier.FirstStep<T> create(
    Publisher<? extends T> publisher, 
    StepVerifierOptions options

For example, one option you can pass is the name for the whole test scenario that will be used assertion error messages. Consider the following code:

    //.expectNextMatches(i -> i == 4)

It will cause the following error (notice the scenario name in the output):

java.lang.AssertionError: [my-example] expectation "expectComplete" failed (expected: onComplete(); actual: onNext(4))
	at reactor.test.MessageFormatter.assertionError(

In any case, the create methods return an instance of type StepVerifier.FirstStep<T>. This interface has methods to optionally test the expectation of a subscription or fusion support.

Stream fusion is an optimization made by Reactor with the help of the Fuseable interface.

Here’s an analogy to understand stream fusion. Imagine a chain of operators is represented by a row of people, and each one has a different job to do. They pass a ball from one to another, and when one person finishes their job, they pass the ball to the next one. This way, they work together without getting in each other’s way. However, passing the ball takes some time.

Stream fusion is like letting two or more persons (operators) work together at the same time, so they don’t need to pass the ball as often. They can use something like a small box (like a queue rather than via subscriptions) to pass things between them and work faster. Sometimes, this is not possible, like when working in parallel or when some side effects are involved. But when it can be done, it can speed things up.

You can find more about fusion in this Stack Overflow answer.

There are methods to expect the source Publisher to run with Reactor Fusion flow optimization:

StepVerifier.Step<T> expectFusion()

To expect the source Publisher to run the requested Reactor Fusion mode from any of these modes, Fuseable.NONE, Fuseable.SYNC, Fuseable.ASYNC, Fuseable.ANY, Fuseable.THREAD_BARRIER:

StepVerifier.Step<T> expectFusion(
    int requested

To expect the source Publisher to run with Reactor Fusion flow optimization, taking the requested and the expected fusion mode:

StepVerifier.Step<T> expectFusion(
    int requested, 
    int expected

To expect the source Publisher to not run with Reactor Fusion flow optimization:

StepVerifier.Step<T> expectNoFusionSupport()

To expect a Subscription:


Or to expect a Subscription and evaluate it with the given predicate:

StepVerifier.Step<T> expectSubscriptionMatches(
    Predicate<? super Subscription> predicate

Checking for the subscription is optional, there’s a default implicit Subscription expectation.

Also, StepVerifier.FirstStep<T> extends from StepVerifier.Step<T>, which means that all the methods of this interface are available right after calling the create method.

StepVerifier.Step<T> contains the expectation methods to test the values emitted by the sequence.

For example, to expect the next elements received to be equal to the given values:

StepVerifier.Step<T> expectNext(
    T... ts

StepVerifier.Step<T> expectNext(
    T t

StepVerifier.Step<T> expectNext(
    T t1, 
    T t2

StepVerifier.Step<T> expectNext(
    T t1, 
    T t2, 
    T t3

StepVerifier.Step<T> expectNext(
    T t1, 
    T t2, 
    T t3, 
    T t4

StepVerifier.Step<T> expectNext(
    T t1, 
    T t2, 
    T t3, 
    T t4, 
    T t5

StepVerifier.Step<T> expectNext(
    T t1, 
    T t2, 
    T t3, 
    T t4, 
    T t5, 
    T t6

To expect to received count elements, starting from the previous expectation or onSubscribe:

StepVerifier.Step<T> expectNextCount(
    long count

To expect an element and evaluate with the given Predicate:

StepVerifier.Step<T> expectNextMatches(
    Predicate<? super T> predicate

And to expect the next elements to match the given Iterable until its iterator depletes:

StepVerifier.Step<T> expectNextSequence(
    Iterable<? extends T> iterable

Notice that, following the builder pattern, these methods return an instance of StepVerifier.Step<T> so you chain as many methods as you need.

Also, it has methods to consume the subscription, the values, or run tasks. For example, to expect a Subscription and consume with the given consumer:

StepVerifier.Step<T> consumeSubscriptionWith(
    Consumer<? super Subscription> consumer

To expect an element and consume with the given consumer:

StepVerifier.Step<T> consumeNextWith(
    Consumer<? super T> consumer

To run an arbitrary task scheduled after previous expectations or tasks:

StepVerifier.Step<T> then(
    Runnable task

To consume further onNext signals as long as they match a Predicate:

StepVerifier.Step<T> thenConsumeWhile(
    Predicate<T> predicate

To consume further onNext signals using a provided Consumer as long as they match a Predicate:

StepVerifier.Step<T> thenConsumeWhile(
    Predicate<T> predicate, Consumer<T> consumer

In turn, StepVerifier.Step<T> extends from StepVerifier.LastStep, which has methods to test terminal states such as:

// To expect the completion signal
StepVerifier expectComplete()

// To expect an unspecified error
StepVerifier expectError()

// To verify that the Publisher doesn't terminate 
// but rather times out after the provided Duration
StepVerifier expectTimeout(Duration duration)

At the end of the test scenario, it’s necessary to call one of these methods because they return an instance of StepVerifier, which also contains a verify method to verify the signals received by the subscriber:

Duration verify()
Duration verify(Duration duration)

StepVerifier verifyLater()

The verifyLater method triggers the subscription and prepare for verifications but doesn’t block.

Also, the first two verify methods return a Duration object, which represents the actual time the verification took.

For convenience, StepVerifier.LastStep also contains some versions of the verify method that combine the expectation of a terminal signal and the verification process.

For example, to trigger the verification, expecting a completion signal as terminal event:

Duration verifyComplete()

To trigger the verification, expecting an unspecified error as terminal event:

Duration verifyError()

Or by expecting an error of the specified type as terminal event:

Duration verifyError(
    Class<? extends Throwable> clazz

To trigger the verification, expecting an error that matches the given predicate:

Duration verifyErrorMatches(
    Predicate<Throwable> predicate

Or by expecting an error with the specified message as terminal event:

Duration verifyErrorMessage(
    String errorMessage

To trigger the verification, expecting an error as terminal event which gets asserted via assertion(s) provided as a Consumer:

Duration verifyErrorSatisfies(
    Consumer<Throwable> assertionConsumer

To trigger the verification, expecting that the Publisher under test doesn’t terminate but rather times out after the provided Duration:

default Duration verifyTimeout(
    Duration duration

This way, we can simplify our previous example by replacing expectComplete() and verify() with verifyComplete():

    .expectNextMatches(i -> i == 4)

You must always call verify or one of its versions because, otherwise, StepVerifier won’t verify the expectation you defined.

When you call verify, StepVerifier subscribes to the tested Publisher, plays the sequence, and compares each element or signal with the expectations defined.

For this reason, you can only call verify once and it must be the last method in the chain.

The only thing you need to take into account is that the verify method will block until the sequence completes.

They can block indefinitely, but you can use verify(Duration) to set a timeout for a test scenario or use StepVerifier.setDefaultTimeout(Duration) to set it globally.

Now, there are a lot of possible expectations you can test.

Let’s see how to verify errors.