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What is a Scheduler?

The concept of a scheduler is closely related to the concept of a thread.

A thread is usually defined as a lightweight process, but it can also be seen as a path of execution in a program.

Every Java application runs on at least, one thread, usually the main application thread.

main thread

However, you don’t always have to worry about this. In the case of Reactor, it doesn’t enforce a particular threading model.

Remember, everything starts when you subscribe. This way, by default, most operators run on the thread on which the subscription is made.

Consider this example:

Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    .map(i -> {
                "map(%d) - %s\n", 
        return i * 10;
    .flatMap(i -> {
                "flatMap(%d) - %s\n", 
        return Mono.just(i * 10);
    .subscribe(i -> 
                "subscribe(%d) - %s\n", 

At every step of the sequence, it prints the name of the thread on which the operator or method is executing.

This is the result:

map(1) - main
flatMap(10) - main
subscribe(100) - main
map(2) - main
flatMap(20) - main
subscribe(200) - main
map(3) - main
flatMap(30) - main
subscribe(300) - main
map(4) - main
flatMap(40) - main
subscribe(400) - main
map(5) - main
flatMap(50) - main
subscribe(500) - main

As you can see, everything is executed on the main thread, the thread where the subscription is made.

If we modify the example to start the subscription in another thread:

Flux<Integer> integerFlux = 
    Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
        .map(i -> {
                    "map(%d) - %s\n",
            return i * 10;
        .flatMap(i -> {
                    "flatMap(%d) - %s\n",
            return Mono.just(i * 10);

Thread myThread = new Thread(() ->
        .subscribe(i ->
                    "subscribe(%d) - %s\n",

myThread.join(); // So the program can wait for this thread to finish

This will be the result:

map(1) - Thread-0
flatMap(10) - Thread-0
subscribe(100) - Thread-0
map(2) - Thread-0
flatMap(20) - Thread-0
subscribe(200) - Thread-0
map(3) - Thread-0
flatMap(30) - Thread-0
subscribe(300) - Thread-0
map(4) - Thread-0
flatMap(40) - Thread-0
subscribe(400) - Thread-0
map(5) - Thread-0
flatMap(50) - Thread-0
subscribe(500) - Thread-0

Now everything is executed on Thread-0 instead of on the main thread.

However, some operators can change the thread on which an operator or set of operators are executed.

One of these operators is delayElements, we’ve used it before to delay the emission of a sequence of elements by a given duration.

If we modify the first example to add this operator between map and flatMap, as well as a Thread.sleep(1000) statement to give time to the program to execute:

Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    .map(i -> {
                "map(%d) - %s\n",
        return i * 10;
    .flatMap(i -> {
                "flatMap(%d) - %s\n",
        return Mono.just(i * 10);
    .subscribe(i -> System.out.format(
                        "subscribe(%d) - %s\n",

This will be the result:

map(1) - main
map(2) - main
map(3) - main
map(4) - main
map(5) - main
flatMap(10) - parallel-1
subscribe(100) - parallel-1
flatMap(20) - parallel-2
subscribe(200) - parallel-2
flatMap(30) - parallel-3
subscribe(300) - parallel-3
flatMap(40) - parallel-4
subscribe(400) - parallel-4
flatMap(50) - parallel-5
subscribe(500) - parallel-5

As you can see, after delayElements, flatMap, and subscribe were executed on a different thread for each element: parallel-1, parallel-2, parallel-3, parallel-4, and parallel-5.

In the documentation of delayElements, we can read:

Delay each of these Flux elements (Subscriber.onNext(T) signals) by a given Duration. Signals are delayed and continue on the parallel default Scheduler, but empty sequences or immediate error signals are not delayed.

With a Scheduler, you can change the thread on which the sequence is executed.

Actually, delayElement (for Mono) and delayElements have a version that takes the Scheduler on which the delayed sequence will run:

// For Mono
Mono<T> delayElement(
    Duration delay,
    Scheduler timer

// For Flux
Flux<T> delayElements(
    Duration delay, 
    Scheduler timer

Other operators that can take a Scheduler, and therefore, can be executed on a different thread are delaySequence, delaySubscription, and interval, just to mention a few.

But how do you create a Scheduler?

Well, first of all, a Scheduler is an abstraction similar to ExecutorService, which automatically manages a pool of threads and provides an API for running asynchronous tasks, but to execute operators. In fact, some implementations use internally ExecutorService.

The Schedulers class provides many factory methods to create different types of Scheduler implementations:

  • Scheduler.parallel() returns a Scheduler suited for parallel work that works with a fixed pool of single-threaded ExecutorService-based workers.
  • Scheduler.immediate() returns a Scheduler that executes tasks immediately, running them on the thread that submitted them (the thread on which an operator is currently processing). This Scheduler is used as a null object when you require a Scheduler that doesn’t change the thread on which the operator is executing.
  • Scheduler.single() returns a Scheduler that works with a single-threaded ExecutorService-based worker. In other words, this Scheduler works with a single, reusable thread.
  • Scheduler.boundedElastic() returns a Scheduler that dynamically creates a bounded number of ExecutorService-based workers, reusing them once they have been shut down. There’s also a Scheduler.elastic() method that does something similar but it’s now deprecated. The difference is that with elastic() the maximum number of created thread pools is unbounded, while with boundedElastic() the maximum number of created threads is bounded by a cap (by default ten times the number of available CPU cores, see DEFAULT_BOUNDED_ELASTIC_SIZE). Besides, with boundedElastic(), the maximum number of task submissions that can be enqueued and deferred on each of these backing threads is bounded (by default 100K additional tasks, see DEFAULT_BOUNDED_ELASTIC_QUEUESIZE). After those limits, a RejectedExecutionException is thrown.
  • Scheduler.fromExecutorService(ExecutorService) returns a Scheduler which uses the given ExecutorService to schedule Runnable implementations.

In general, a method prefixed with new (like newSingle) returns a new instance of that particular Scheduler implementation, while other methods like parallel() return an instance that will be created on the first call and cached for subsequent calls until it is disposed of.

This way, instead of relying on the default Scheduler that some operators use, we can create a custom Scheduler and pass it to the operators that give you the option to provide one.

For example, we can pass a bounded elastic Scheduler to the delaySubscription operator:

Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    .map(i -> {
                "map(%d) - %s\n",
        return i * 10;
    .flatMap(i -> {
                "flatMap(%d) - %s\n",
        return Mono.just(i * 10);
        Duration.ofMillis(10), Schedulers.boundedElastic()
    .subscribe(i -> System.out.format(
                        "subscribe(%d) - %s\n",

Here’s the result:

map(1) - boundedElastic-1
flatMap(10) - boundedElastic-1
subscribe(100) - boundedElastic-1
map(2) - boundedElastic-1
flatMap(20) - boundedElastic-1
subscribe(200) - boundedElastic-1
map(3) - boundedElastic-1
flatMap(30) - boundedElastic-1
subscribe(300) - boundedElastic-1
map(4) - boundedElastic-1
flatMap(40) - boundedElastic-1
subscribe(400) - boundedElastic-1
map(5) - boundedElastic-1
flatMap(50) - boundedElastic-1
subscribe(500) - boundedElastic-1

By default, the delay is introduced through a parallel shared Scheduler (parallel-X). But as you can see, now is executed on a bounded elastic Scheduler (boundedElastic-1).

However, for the operators that don’t take a Scheduler as a parameter, Reactor provides two methods to modify the Scheduler a reactive sequence is executed on: publishOn and subscribeOn.

Let’s review publishOn first.