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Using Custom Publishers in Tests with TestPublisher

Reactor provides the class TestPublisher to have complete control over a Publisher you want to test. This is useful for advanced test cases such as:

  • When you want to trigger specific signals at a particular moment.
  • When you implement a custom operator and want to check if it follows the Reactive Streams specification.

TestPublisher implements the interfaces Publisher and PublisherProbe:

public abstract class TestPublisher<T> 
            implements Publisher<T>, PublisherProbe<T> {
    // ...

This way, TestPublisher can act as a Publisher, having methods to trigger signals such as:

// To trigger completion of this publisher.
TestPublisher<T> complete()

// To combine emitting items, 
// completing the publisher.
TestPublisher<T> emit(T... values)

// To trigger an error signal to the subscribers.
TestPublisher<T> error(Throwable t)

// To send one onNext signal to the subscribers.
TestPublisher<T> next(T value)

// To send one to many onNext signals
// to the subscribers.
TestPublisher<T> next(T first, T... rest)

From PublisherProbe, you’ll have at your disposal the methods we previously reviewed for this interface, such as assertWasRequested(), assertWasSubscribed(), assertWasNotCancelled(), subscribeCount(), mono(), and flux(). However, PublisherProbe also adds methods to perform many types of assertions.

For example, to assert that the publisher has had at least one subscriber that has been cancelled:

TestPublisher<T> assertCancelled()

To assert that the publisher has had at least n subscribers that have been cancelled:

TestPublisher<T> assertCancelled(int n)

To assert that the current maximum request of all this publisher’s subscribers is less than or equal to n:

TestPublisher<T> assertMaxRequested(long n)

To assert that the current minimum request of all this publisher’s subscribers is greater than or equal to n:

TestPublisher<T> assertMinRequested(long n)

To assert that this publisher has had no subscriber with request overflow:

TestPublisher<T> assertNoRequestOverflow()

To assert that this publisher has no subscribers:

TestPublisher<T> assertNoSubscribers()

To assert that this publisher has had no cancelled subscribers:

TestPublisher<T> assertNotCancelled()

To assert that this publisher has had a subscriber that saw request overflow, that has received an onNext event despite having a requested amount of 0 at the time:

TestPublisher<T> assertRequestOverflow()

To assert that this publisher has subscribers:

TestPublisher<T> assertSubscribers()

Or to assert that this publisher has exactly n subscribers:

TestPublisher<T> assertSubscribers(int n)

You can create an instance of TestPublisher with a variety of static methods.

For example, the following method creates a standard hot TestPublisher:

static <T> TestPublisher<T> create()

The following method creates a cold TestPublisher, which can be subscribed to by multiple subscribers, holding off emitting elements from a buffer if the subscriber doesn’t have enough request:

static <T> TestPublisher<T> createCold()

This method creates a cold TestPublisher, which can be subscribed to by multiple subscribers, throwing an overflow error if a new subscriber’s first request is lower than the current buffer size, or if a new element is pushed to a registered subscriber that has zero pending demand:

static <T> TestPublisher<T> createColdNonBuffering()

This other method creates a cold TestPublisher non-compliant with the spec according to one or more TestPublisher.Violations. errorOnOverflow indicates whether to throw an exception if there are more values than the ones requested (true) or buffer values until request becomes available (false):

static <T> TestPublisher<T> createColdNonCompliant(
    boolean errorOnOverflow, 
    TestPublisher.Violation firstViolation, 
    TestPublisher.Violation... otherViolations

And this method creates a non-compliant hot TestPublisher with a given set of reactive streams spec violations that will be overlooked:

static <T> TestPublisher<T> createNoncompliant(
    TestPublisher.Violation first, 
    TestPublisher.Violation... rest

As you can see, there are two types of publishers, hot and cold. For this reason, there are three types of TestPublisher instances you can create:

Until now, we’ve been working with cold publishers:

  • Nothing happens until there’s a subscriber
  • Each subscriber receives all the values emitted from the beginning.

For example, given the following Flux:

Flux<Integer> flux = Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4);

If one client subscribes to the Flux and then, at the same time the third value is emitted, a second client subscribes to the Flux, both subscribers would receive all the emitted elements:

Subscriber 1: 1
Subscriber 1: 2
Subscriber 1: 3
Subscriber 1: 4
Subscriber 2: 1
Subscriber 2: 2
Subscriber 2: 3
Subscriber 2: 4

On the other hand, a hot can start publishing data right away, without any subscribers. When a client subscribes to the hot publisher, it will only receive the elements emitted after it subscribed.

In other words, with a hot publisher:

  • Something can happen before there’s a subscriber
  • Each subscriber receives the values emitted after it subscribed.

Applying the previous example to a hot publisher, if the first client subscribed before (or at the same time) the Flux started emitting value and the second client subscribed before (or at the same time) the Flux emitted the third value, this will be the result:

Subscriber 1: 1
Subscriber 1: 2
Subscriber 1: 3
Subscriber 2: 3
Subscriber 1: 4
Subscriber 2: 4

Subscriber 1 receives all four values.

Subscriber 2 only receives the last two values.

It’s important to know the difference because using a hot TestPublisher is different from using a cold TestPublisher.

Consider the following example:

TestPublisher<Integer> testPublisher = 


First, we create an instance of TestPublisher with the method create().

Then, we emit the value 1 with the method next().

Once we have our TestPublisher instance set up, we get a Flux from it so we can test its behavior with StepVerifier.

However, when we run the test, it will hang indefinitely.

The reason is that create() method returns a hot TestPublisher, so when we call the next(1) method, we’re emitting the value at that time. This way, StepVerifier will block indefinitely, waiting for another value or complete signal that will never come.

To avoid this, instead of verifyComplete(), we can use verifyTimeout(Duration), passing a timeout of one second, for example:

TestPublisher<Integer> testPublisher = 


To make the test pass, we could create a cold TestPublisher with createCold():

TestPublisher<Integer> testPublisher = 


Of course, since TestPublisher implements PublisherProbe, we can call some assertion methods too:

TestPublisher<Integer> testPublisher = 



This time, the test should pass because a cold publisher doesn’t emit a value until someone subscribes to it (in this case, StepVerifier).

To properly use a hot TestPublisher, we need to use the method then(Runnable), from the interface StepVerifier.Step:

// To run a task scheduled after the previous expectations or tasks.
StepVerifier.Step<T> then(Runnable task)

Inside the Runnable we pass to this method, TestPublisher can emit values or make assertions, for example.

Something like this:

TestPublisher<Integer> testPublisher = 

    .then(() -> {
    .then(() -> testPublisher.complete())


Where, inside the Runnable passed to the method then, we assert that there’s a subscription and emit a value, which is tested with the expectNext method.

This time, as the TestPublisher is marked as completed with then(() -> testPublisher.complete()), we can use verifyComplete() and even make more assertions about the state of the TestPublisher instance.

Now, about non-compliant publishers, the methods createNoncompliant and createColdNoncompliant allow you to create publishers that don’t follow certain parts of the Reactive Streams specification. These parts are defined by the values of the TestPublisher.Violation enum, which are:

// Allow next calls to be made with a null value 
// without triggering a NullPointerException

// Allow termination signals to be sent several times in a row, 
// including: 
//   - TestPublisher#complete(),
//   - TestPublisher#error(Throwable), and 
//   - TestPublisher#emit(T ...).

// Allow the TestPublisher to ignore cancellation signals and
// continue emitting signals as if the cancellation lost race 
// against said signals.

// Allow next calls to be made despite insufficient request, 
// without triggering an IllegalStateException.

Let’s review, for example, CLEANUP_ON_TERMINATE, which allows a TestPublisher to emit signals like complete or error many times in a row.

The normal behavior for the publisher is to ignore multiple termination signals. Consider the following test:

TestPublisher<Integer> testPublisher = 

    .then(() -> {;

There are two calls to testPublisher.complete(), but the second one is ignored and the test passes.

However, if create a non-compliant TestPublisher passing the value TestPublisher.Violation.CLEANUP_ON_TERMINATE, without any other change:

TestPublisher<Integer> testPublisher = 

    .then(() -> {;

This time, the test will fail:

java.lang.AssertionError: expectation failed (did not expect: onComplete())
	at reactor.test.MessageFormatter.assertionError(
	at reactor.test.MessageFormatter.failPrefix(
	at reactor.test.DefaultStepVerifierBuilder$DefaultVerifySubscriber.setFailure(
	at reactor.test.DefaultStepVerifierBuilder$DefaultVerifySubscriber.onExpectation(
	at reactor.test.DefaultStepVerifierBuilder$DefaultVerifySubscriber.onComplete(
	at reactor.test.publisher.DefaultTestPublisher$TestPublisherSubscription.onComplete(
	at reactor.test.publisher.DefaultTestPublisher.complete(
	at reactor.test.publisher.DefaultTestPublisher.complete(

Now that the second completion signal is not ignored, it causes an AssertionError because StepVerifier doesn’t expect it.

This can be helpful to test that custom operators comply with the specification, for example.