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Writing and Reading the Context

As I mentioned before, a Context is populated at subscription time, one Context for each Subscriber. This way, all the operators upstream in the chain will have access to it.

But to use a Context, you must associate it to a sequence and populate it. For this, you have to use the contextWrite operator, available for Flux and Mono.

There are two contextWrite operators for Mono. The first one merges all the values from the provided ContextView with the downstream Context:

Mono<T> contextWrite(ContextView contextToAppend)

And the second one adds entries to the Context by applying a Function to the downstream Context. The Function takes a Context so you can add the entries and return a new Context:

Mono<T> contextWrite(Function<Context, Context> contextModifier)

Of course, we have similar operators for Flux:

Flux<T> contextWrite(ContextView contextToAppend)

Flux<T> contextWrite(Function<Context, Context> contextModifier)

Since Context is an immutable structure, both methods create a new Context. And they do it from the downstream Context (by default an empty one) they receive.

Why the downstream Context?

Because the Context starts with the subscribe method, the last one in the sequence, and moves from the bottom to the top (from the perspective of the contextWrite method):

Downstream context

So the context comes from the bottom of the sequence and reaches the contextWrite operator, where a new, enriched Context is created, and this is propagated to the operators that are placed above in the chain.

This way:

  • contextWrite(ContextView) merges the ContextView it receives as its argument and the Context from downstream, using the putAll(ContextView other) method from Context.
  • contextWrite(Function<Context, Context>) takes a Function that receives a copy of the Context from downstream so you can add or remove values, and return the new Context.

On the other hand, to get the values stored in the Context, you can use deferContextual or transformDeferredContextual.

For Mono, deferContextual creates a Mono provider that will supply a target Mono to subscribe to for each Subscriber downstream:

static <T> Mono<T> deferContextual(
             ? extends Mono<? extends T>
    > contextualMonoFactory

transformDeferredContextual defers the given transformation to this Mono in order to generate a target Mono type:

Mono<V> transformDeferredContextual(
    BiFunction<? super Mono<T>,
               ? super ContextView,
               ? extends Publisher<V>
    > transformer)

For Flux, deferContextual lazily supplies a Publisher every time a Subscription is made on the resulting Flux, so the actual source instantiation is deferred until each subscription, and the Function can create a subscriber-specific instance:

static <T> Flux<T> deferContextual(
             ? extends Publisher<T>
    > contextualPublisherFactory

While transformDeferredContextual defers the given transformation to the Flux in order to generate a target Flux type:

Flux<V> transformDeferredContextual(
    BiFunction<? super Flux<T>,
               ? super ContextView,
               ? extends Publisher<V>
    > transformer

Notice that these operators use ContextView. Since we’re only reading values, writing methods are not necessary.

The deferContextual operators work like defer (for Mono and Flux). The difference is that instead of a Supplier, deferContextual takes a Function that receives a ContextView instance (to get the values of the context) and returns either a Mono or a Publisher (for Flux) for each subscription.

In the case of transformDeferredContextual, it takes a BiFunction that receives the Mono or Flux coming from upstream and a ContextView instance, so it can transform them into a new Publisher. This transformation will also occur for each Subscriber.

But unlike deferContextual, transformDeferredContextual is not a static method, so you can use it at any point of a sequence. Here’s an example:

String key = "multiplier";
Flux<Integer> fluxInteger = Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    .map(i -> i * 10)
            (flux, ctx) ->
      -> i * ctx.getOrDefault(key, 1))

    .contextWrite(Context.of(key, 10))
    .contextWrite(Context.of(key, 100))

Inside transformDeferredContextual, with a map operator, each element of the sequence is multiplied by the value stored in the context (the method getOrDefault will return a default value in case the given key cannot be resolved within the context).

And to demonstrate that transformDeferredContextual is executed on a per-subscriber basis, there are two subscriptions to the same Flux, each setting a different value to the key used inside the map operator.

Here’s the result:


The first sequence is multiplied by 100 (10 and then 10), and the second sequence is multiplied by 1000 (10 and then 100).

Also, to demonstrate that a Context is visible to operators executing on different threads, we can add a publishOn operator below the map operator, for example:

String key = "multiplier";
Flux<Integer> fluxInteger = Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    .map(i -> i * 10)
            (flux, ctx) ->
           -> i * ctx.getOrDefault(key, 1))

    .contextWrite(Context.of(key, 10))

Here’s the result:


The elements of the Flux are still multiplied by the value stored in the Context.

However, most of the time, you’ll use deferContextual inside a flatMap operator (since they both return a Publisher). Here’s an example:

String key = "multiplier";
Flux<Integer> fluxInteger = Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    .flatMap(i -> Mono.deferContextual(ctx ->
                Mono.just(i * ctx.getOrDefault(key, 1))
    .contextWrite(Context.of(key, 10));


Although contextWrite is placed at the end of the sequence, it’s the first operator to be executed so the Context it creates can be available to operators upstream.

Then, inside the flatMap operator, we extract and use the value associated with the key ID, so it can emit the value multiplied by 10 to the subscriber.

Also, I could have used Flux.deferContextual and returned a Flux, but since we’re working with just one value, and flatMap will flatten all the returned Publisher instances into a Flux, it doesn’t matter whether we use Mono or Flux.

However, the position in the sequence where you place contextWrite matters.

Consider this example:

String key = "multiplier";
Mono<Integer> monoInteger = Mono.just(1)
    .flatMap(i -> Mono.deferContextual(ctx -> {
                            "flatMap1: " + ctx
                        return Mono.just(i);
    .contextWrite(Context.of(key, 10))
    .flatMap(i -> Mono.deferContextual(ctx -> {
                            "flatMap2: " + ctx
                        return Mono.just(i);


It just prints the string representation of the Context inside the flatMap operators above and below contextWrite.

This is the result:

flatMap1: Context1{multiplier=10}
flatMap2: Context0{}

First of all, notice that the contexts are different:

  • Context0, for the flatMap operator below contextWrite, which is empty.
  • Context1, which contains the key multiplier, set by the contextWrite below the first flatMap operator.

Similarly, if you set the value of the same key more than once:

String key = "multiplier";
Mono<Integer> monoInteger = Mono.just(1)
    .flatMap(i -> Mono.deferContextual(ctx -> {
                        return Mono.just(i);
    .contextWrite(Context.of(key, 100))
    .contextWrite(Context.of(key, 10));


The operator will see the closest Context downstream (the closest one under it). In this case, the Context with the value 100.

Here’s the result:


The key here is the word downstream.

If we add a flatMap operator between the contextWrite operators of the previous example:

String key = "multiplier";
Mono<Integer> monoInteger = Mono.just(1)
    .flatMap(i -> Mono.deferContextual(ctx -> {
                            "flatMap1: " + ctx
                        return Mono.just(i);
    .contextWrite(Context.of(key, 100))
    .flatMap(i -> Mono.deferContextual(ctx -> {
                            "flatMap2: " + ctx
                        return Mono.just(i);
    .contextWrite(Context.of(key, 10));


This will be the result:

flatMap1: Context1{multiplier=100}
flatMap2: Context1{multiplier=10}

Both flatMap operators see different contexts. The closest ones under them (downstream).

Finally, if you add a value to the Context inside an operator:

String key = "multiplier";
Mono<Integer> monoInteger = Mono.just(1)
    .flatMap(i -> Mono.deferContextual(ctx -> {
                            "flatMap(main sequence): " + ctx
                        return Mono.just(i);
    .flatMap(i -> Mono.deferContextual(ctx -> {
                            "flatMap(inner Context): " + ctx
                        return Mono.just(i);
            .contextWrite(Context.of(key, 100))
    .contextWrite(Context.of(key, 10));


In this case, in the second flatMap, the value set in the context will not propagate to the main sequence:

flatMap(main sequence): Context1{multiplier=10}
flatMap(inner Context): Context1{multiplier=100}

For this reason, the first flatMap cannot see that value.