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The flatMap Operator

The flatMap operator transforms the elements emitted by a Publisher asynchronously by applying a function that returns the values emitted by inner publishers.

The main difference with the map operator is that the function passed to flatMap returns a Publisher implementation to transform the value(s) asynchronously.

However, flatMap behaves differently depending if we’re working with Mono or with Flux.

Let’s start with Mono’s version. Here’s the marble diagram for this operator:

flatMap marble diagram

  1. First, a Mono of circles emits a circle.
  2. Internally, flatMap subscribes to the Mono returned by the function.
  3. This Mono will transform the circle to a square asynchronously and emit it.
  4. Finally, the square is put into a new Mono (of squares) so it can be processed by another operator or sent to a subscriber.

Thinking in terms of containers, if you have a container with one circle:

Container of circles

The flatMap operator unpacks the circle:

Unpack the circle

To pass it to a function that converts it into a square asynchronously:

Return a square inside a container

Since this is done asynchronously, the square is returned inside a new container (remember that the container represents an asynchronously type):

Return a square inside a container

But instead of returning a container inside a container like the map operator would do:

Container inside a container

flatMap flattens these containers into one:

Flatten containers

So, up to this point, it’s not much different from map, except for the returning type of the function.

However, with Flux, things are a bit more complicated.

Here’s the marble diagram for the Flux version of flatMap:

Flux flatMap marble diagram

Let’s review it step by step:

  1. First, the Flux emits a circle (let’s say the dark gray one).
  2. Internally, flatMap creates a new publisher for that circle. Depending on the function passed to flatMap, this internal publisher can emit multiple elements (squares in this case), creating a one-to-many relationship. This means that one input element can be converted into many output elements.
  3. When the new publisher is created, flatMap subscribes to it eagerly. In other words, flatMap subscribes to the publisher after it is created, it doesn’t wait for the publishers of other elements to finish.
  4. When the Flux emits another circle (the light gray one), steps 2 and 3 are repeated. This happens for all the circles the Flux emits.
  5. In then end, flatMap will merge (flat) all the squares emitted by the internal publishers into a new Flux that can be processed by another operator or sent to a subscriber.

So there are three things that you have to take into account to understand the flatMap operator for Flux:

  • There can be a one-to-many relationship between the elements of the input Flux and the elements of the output Flux. For every input element, flatMap will create an internal Publisher.
  • This operator subscribes eagerly to its internal publishers.
  • For this reason, each publisher can emit elements at a different time. Since the output elements will be merged as they arrived, there are no guarantees the original order will be preserved. In some cases, values from different inner publishers will be interleaved.

Here’s the definition of flatMap for Mono<T>:

public final <R> Mono<R> flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Mono<? extends R>> transformer)

And here’s an example:

Mono<Integer> monoInt = Mono.just(1);
Mono<String> monoFlat = monoInt
        .flatMap(i -> Mono.just("i: " + i));
// Remember, nothing happens until you subscribe

As you can see, for Mono, we use flatMap in the same way we use map (except for the use of an asynchronous function, of course).

The only thing to notice is that the function should always return a Mono, returning Flux will result in a compilation error.

On the other hand, here’s the definition of flatMap for Flux<T>:

public final <R> Flux<R> flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Publisher<? extends R>> mapper)

In this case, the return type of the function is Publisher, so we have the option of returning either Mono or Flux.

Take for example the following code:

Flux<Integer> fluxInt = Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4);
Flux<Integer> fluxFlat = fluxInt
        .flatMap(i -> transformAsyncMono(i));

// ...

public Mono<Integer> transformAsyncMono(int i) {
    return i % 2 == 0 ? Mono.just(i) : Mono.just(i * 10);

The function we’re passing to flatMap returns a Mono, so the input and output streams will have a one-to-one mapping. Odd numbers will be multiplied by ten while even numbers won’t be modified:


However, each of the elements emitted by a Flux may be transformed into multiple elements.

For example, if the function we pass to flatMap returns a Flux for even numbers:

Flux<Integer> fluxInt = Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4);
Flux<Integer> fluxFlat = fluxInt
        .flatMap(i -> transformAsyncPublisher(i));

// ...

public Publisher<Integer> transformAsyncPublisher(int i) {
    return i % 2 == 0 ? Flux.just(i, i+1) : Mono.just(i * 10);

flatMap will create two Flux streams, for the even numbers, and two Mono streams, for the odd numbers. This way, it will merge the four publishers. This will be the result:


In this case, we’ll have a one-to-many relationship between the input and output streams.

However, you might be wondering, flatMap doesn’t guarantee the order of the elements, but in the above examples, the elements kept the order of the input stream (1, 2, 3, 4).

Well, these examples are simple, we’re not doing anything really asynchronous (remember, just works eagerly). But to show you that flatMap doesn’t guarantee the order of the elements, let’s use the operator delayElements to introduce a delay between the emission of the elements of the Flux for even numbers:

Flux<Integer> fluxInt = Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4);
Flux<Integer> fluxFlat = fluxInt
        .flatMap(i -> transformAsyncPublisherDelay(i));

// ...

public Publisher<Integer> transformAsyncPublisherDelay(int i) {
    return i % 2 == 0 
            ? Flux.just(i, i+1)
            : Mono.just(i * 10);

This is the result:


As you can see, even a delay of one millisecond is enough to have the elements in a different order.

Mono and Flux have other versions of flatMap, for example, to preserve the order of the elements.

For Mono, we have a version that transforms the item emitted by a Mono into an Iterable, and then forwards the elements of this Iterable into the returned Flux:

Flux<R> flatMapIterable(Function<? super T,? extends Iterable<? extends R>> mapper)

Another that transforms the item emitted by a Mono into a Publisher (most of the time a Flux), and then forwards the elements of this Publisher into the returned Flux (it works like Flux’s flatMap):

Flux<R> flatMapMany(Function<? super T,? extends Publisher<? extends R>> mapper)

And one to transform the signals emitted by a Mono (onNext, onError, and onComplete) into signal-specific publishers, and then forwards the applicable Publisher’s emissions into the returned Flux:

Flux<R> flatMapMany(
    Function<? super T,? extends Publisher<? extends R>> mapperOnNext, 
    Function<? super Throwable,? extends Publisher<? extends R>> mapperOnError, 
    Supplier<? extends Publisher<? extends R>> mapperOnComplete

Basically, these versions allow us to have a one-to-many relationship similar to the one we have with Flux’s flatMap.

For Flux, flatMap has many versions.

There’s one to transform the signals emitted by this Flux (onNext, onError, and onComplete) into Publishers, then flatten these inner publishers into a single Flux through merging:

Flux<R> flatMap(
    Function<? super T,? extends Publisher<? extends R>> mapperOnNext, 
    Function<? super Throwable,? extends Publisher<? extends R>> mapperOnError, 
    Supplier<? extends Publisher<? extends R>> mapperOnComplete

Another to transform the elements emitted by this Flux asynchronously into inner publishers and merge them into a single Flux, taking as parameter the maximum number of inner publishers:

Flux<V> flatMap(
    Function<? super T,? extends Publisher<? extends V>> mapper, 
    int concurrency

Another to transform the elements emitted by this Flux asynchronously into inner publishers and merge them into a single Flux, taking the maximum number of inner publishers and the maximum of prefetch elements from each inner publisher:

Flux<V> flatMap(
    Function<? super T,? extends Publisher<? extends V>> mapper, 
    int concurrency, 
    int prefetch

Another to transform the elements emitted by this Flux asynchronously into inner publishers and merge them into a single Flux, taking the maximum number of inner publishers and the maximum of prefetch elements from each inner publisher. This variant will delay any error until after the rest of the flatMap backlog has been processed:

Flux<V> flatMapDelayError(
    Function<? super T,? extends Publisher<? extends V>> mapper, 
    int concurrency, 
    int prefetch

Another to transform the items emitted by a Flux into Iterables, then merge the elements from those into a single Flux:

Flux<R> flatMapIterable(
    Function<? super T,? extends Iterable<? extends R>> mapper

Another to transform the items emitted by a Flux into Iterables, then merge the elements from those into a single Flux, taking the number of values to request from the source upon subscription:

Flux<R> flatMapIterable(
    Function<? super T,? extends Iterable<? extends R>> mapper, 
    int prefetch

Another to transform the elements emitted by a Flux into Publishers, merging the inner publishers in the order of their source element:

Flux<R> flatMapSequential(
    Function<? super T,? extends Publisher<? extends R>> mapper

Another to transform the elements emitted by a Flux into Publishers, merging the inner publishers in the order of their source element, taking as parameter the maximum number of inner publishers:

Flux<R> flatMapSequential(
    Function<? super T,? extends Publisher<? extends R>> mapper, 
    int maxConcurrency

Another to transform the elements emitted by a Flux into Publishers, merging the inner publishers in the order of their source element, taking the maximum number of inner publishers and the maximum of prefetch elements from each inner publisher:

Flux<R> flatMapSequential(
    Function<? super T,? extends Publisher<? extends R>> mapper, 
    int maxConcurrency, 
    int prefetch

And one to transform the elements emitted by a Flux into Publishers, merging the inner publishers in the order of their source element, taking the maximum number of inner publishers, and the maximum of prefetch elements from each inner publisher. This variant will delay any error until after the rest of the flatMap backlog has been processed:

Flux<R> flatMapSequentialDelayError(
    Function<? super T,? extends Publisher<? extends R>> mapper, 
    int maxConcurrency, 
    int prefetch

There are two things I want to highlight about all these versions.

One is that if you want to preserve the order of the source publisher, you have to use flatMapSequential. For example:

Flux<Integer> fluxInt = Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4);
Flux<Integer> fluxFlat = 
        .flatMapSequential(i -> transformAsyncPublisherDelay(i));

Using flatMapSequential, even with the method that adds a delay of one millisecond, will output the elements in order:


And two. Some versions take a concurrency and a prefetch argument to manage backpressure.

The concurrency argument controls how many inner publishers can be subscribed to and merged in parallel. For example, with a Flux of four elements, a concurrency of 2 means flatMap will make two requests to the Flux.

The prefetch argument is the number of elements requested to each inner publisher in each batch of requests. For example, with a prefetch of 2, after the inner publishers have emitted two elements, the next batch (of two) will be requested.

If you want to know more about these arguments, here’s an excellent article with more information and examples.

All right, now let me give you some pointers about when to use map and flatMap.