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The Context API

In practical terms, a Context is a collection of key/value pairs with an API similar to the one of a Map.

However, if you look at the source code of Context, you’ll see that is an interface that extends from another interface, ContextView:

public interface Context extends ContextView {
    // ...

ContextView is an interface that defines a read-only collection of key/value pairs. It has the following methods:

// Resolve a value given a key that exists within the Context, 
// or throw a NoSuchElementException if the key is not present.
T get(Object key)

// Resolve a value given a type key within the Context,
// or throw a NoSuchElementException if the key is not present.
T get(Class<T> key)

// Resolve a value given a key within the Context. 
// If unresolved return the passed default value.
T getOrDefault(Object key, @Nullable T defaultValue)

// Resolve a value given a key within the Context.
Optional<T> getOrEmpty(Object key)

// Return true if a particular key resolves to a value 
// within the Context.
boolean hasKey(Object key)

// Return true if the Context is empty.
boolean isEmpty()

// Return the size of this Context, 
// the number of pairs stored inside it.
int size()
// Stream key/value pairs from this Context
Stream<Map.Entry<Object,Object>> stream()

// Perform the given action for each entry
// in this ContextView. 
void forEach(BiConsumer<Object,Object> action)

However, most of the time, you’ll work with Context, which extends ContextView to add methods to create a Context implementation and put new values into the context.

About this, putting new values, you must know that Context implementations are thread-safe and immutable, which means that methods that seem to add values to the context, actually create a new Context that contains all the current key/value pairs plus the ones you add.

This way, to create a Context, you can use empty one or of the following of methods (all static):

// To return an empty Context
static Context empty()

// To create a Context out of a ContextView, 
// enabling write API on top of the read-only view.
static Context of(ContextView contextView)

// To create a Context out of a Map.
static Context of(Map<?,?> map)

// To create a Context pre-initialized with one key-value pair.
static Context of(Object key, Object value)

// To create a Context pre-initialized with two key-value pairs.
static Context of(
    Object key1, Object value1, 
    Object key2, Object value2

// To create a Context pre-initialized with three key-value pairs.
static Context of(
    Object key1, Object value1, 
    Object key2, Object value2, 
    Object key3, Object value3

// To create a Context pre-initialized with four key-value pairs.
static Context of(
    Object key1, Object value1, 
    Object key2, Object value2, 
    Object key3, Object value3, 
    Object key4, Object value4

// To create a Context pre-initialized with five key-value pairs.
static Context of(
    Object key1, Object value1, 
    Object key2, Object value2, 
    Object key3, Object value3, 
    Object key4, Object value4, 
    Object key5, Object value5

As you can see, some versions allow you to create a Context with up to five key-value pairs.

Why five and not ten, for example?

Well, a Context is optimized to have five or fewer key/value pairs.

Having more could be costly in terms of performance. However, if you choose to have more than five key/value pairs, a copy-on-write implementation backed by a new Map will be used every time you add an entry.

The following methods of Context allow you to add or remove entries:

// To create a new Context that contains all current
// key/value pairs plus the given one.
Context put(Object key, Object value)

// To create a new Context by merging the content of 
// this context and a given ContextView.
Context putAll(ContextView other)

// Create a new Context by merging the content of
// this context and a given Map.
Context putAllMap(Map<?,?> from)

// Create a new Context that contains all current 
// key/value pairs plus the given one only if the
// value is not null.
Context putNonNull(Object key, Object valueOrNull)

// Return a new Context that will resolve all 
// existing keys except the removed one, key.
Context delete(Object key)

Finally, Context also has a method to convert the instance to a ContextView, which only allows reading operations (therefore, the name of this method):

ContextView readOnly()

As you can see, many methods of ContextView and Context are similar to the ones of a Map, so if you have worked with this interface and its implementations, you already know how to work with a Context.

Now, you might be wondering, how do I add a value to a Context so I can use it later, inside an operator?

Let’s see how to do that next.