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In these exercises, you’ll practice some of the concepts taught in this module.

First, either create a new Java project, adding the reactor-bom and reactor-core dependencies to your build file (Maven or Gradle) or use the stub you can find at:

I’ll give you the instructions (and sometimes hints) so you can put all the code together in the main method of a class and observe the output.

Here you can find the solution for the coding exercises:

Exercise 1

Given a Flux of Integer values, your task is to transform each value to its hex string representation.

  1. First, create a class named Exercise01 with a main method.
  2. Create a Flux that emits a sequence of Integer values. Let’s say, from 10 to 14.
  3. Apply the map method to the Flux to transform each emitted value to its hex string representation using something like String.format("0x%08X", value).
  4. Subscribe to the transformed Flux, printing the emitted items.
  5. Run the Exercise01 class and analyze the output.

Exercise 2

Given a Mono that emits an Integer value, your task is to transform the emitted value by fetching its square from a separate asynchronous method that returns a Mono.

  1. First, create a class named Exercise02 with a main method.
  2. Create a Mono that emits a single Integer value.
  3. Implement the following method so that it returns a Mono<Integer> representing the square of the input number:
     private static Mono<Integer> getSquareAsync(Integer value) {
         // TODO: Create a Mono publisher that emits the square of the input number
         return null;
  4. Apply the appropriate operator to the Mono created in step 2 to transform the emitted value using the asynchronous method created in step 3.
  5. Subscribe to the transformed Mono, printing the emitted item.
  6. Run the Exercise02 class and analyze the output.

Exercise 3

Given a Flux that emits a sequence of Integer values, your task is to transform each emitted value into a Flux that emits the value and its square.

  1. First, create a class named Exercise03 with a main method.
  2. Create a Flux that emits a sequence of Integer values. Let’s say from 1 to 5.
  3. Implement the following method so that it returns a Flux<Integer> that emits the input number and its square:
     private static Flux<Integer> getNumberAndSquare(Integer value) {
         // TODO: Create a Flux publisher that emits the input number and its square
         return null;
  4. Apply the appropriate operator to the Flux created in step 2 to transform each emitted value by fetching its associated Flux using the method created in step 3.
  5. Subscribe to the transformed Flux, printing the emitted items.
  6. Run the Exercise03 class and analyze the output.

Exercise 4

Modify the previous example so that the method getNumberAndSquare returns an Iterable, so all elements can be played sequentially:

private static Iterable<Integer> getNumberAndSquare(Integer value) {
    // TODO: Create an Iterable with the input number and its square

Exercise 5

In this exercise, you’ll use the map and flatMap operators to transform a Flux sequence.

  1. First, create a class named Exercise05 with a main method.
  2. Create a Flux that emits a sequence of Integer values. Let’s say from 1 to 5.
  3. Use a map operator to triple each emitted value.
  4. Next, use a flatMap operator to create a new Flux that emits the tripled value and its square.
  5. Subscribe to the transformed Flux, printing the emitted items.
  6. Run the Exercise05 class and analyze the output.