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Testing Time-based Operators

How do you test a sequence that takes some time to complete?


Take the following sequence as an example:

Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4)

It emits one value every minute.

Probably, you can wait four minutes for your test to finish.

But what if this sequence emits a value every hour?

What if this sequence emits thousands of values?

What if we can’t speed up the sequence?

Well, the only solution would be to eliminate the time factor somehow.

As you have learned previously, time-based operators like delayElements don’t work on the default Scheduler, they work in a parallel Scheduler.

So if we could use a mock Scheduler to run these time-based operators, we could manipulate it to make these operators more testable.

Fortunately, StepVerifier provides a method that does just that, withVirtualTime, which prepares a new StepVerifier in a controlled environment using VirtualTimeScheduler to manipulate a virtual clock via StepVerifier.Step.thenAwait():

static <T> StepVerifier.FirstStep<T> withVirtualTime(
    Supplier<? extends Publisher<? extends T>> s

// n is the amount of items to request (it must be >= 0).
static <T> StepVerifier.FirstStep<T> withVirtualTime(
    Supplier<? extends Publisher<? extends T>> s, 
    long n

// The options parameter can include the supplier of the
// VirtualTimeScheduler to inject. Otherwise, this method will
// make a copy of said options and set up the default supplier.
static <T> StepVerifier.FirstStep<T> withVirtualTime(
    Supplier<? extends Publisher<? extends T>> s, 
    StepVerifierOptions options

// vtsLookup is the supplier of the VirtualTimeScheduler 
// to inject during verification.
// n is the amount of items to request (it must be >= 0).
static <T> StepVerifier.FirstStep<T> withVirtualTime(
    Supplier<? extends Publisher<? extends T>> s, 
    Supplier<? extends VirtualTimeScheduler> vts, 
    long n

This method replaces the default Scheduler instances with a single instance of a VirtualTimeScheduler, which uses a virtual clock that allows manipulating time in tests.

To use this Scheduler, you should lazily build your sequence inside a Supplier passed to the method withVirtualTime, so any operator created within the Supplier without a specific scheduler can use the VirtualTimeScheduler.

The number of values to request initially can be passed as an argument of the method or set in the options with the following method of the StepVerifierOptions class:

StepVerifierOptions initialRequest(
    long initialRequest

Otherwise, StepVerifier will request an unbounded amount of values at verification time.

In any case, the interface StepVerifier.Step provides two expectation methods related to time:

// To pause the expectation evaluation for a given Duration.
StepVerifier.Step<T> thenAwait(Duration timeshift)

// To expect that no event's been observed by the verifier 
// for the length of the provided Duration.
StepVerifier.Step<T> expectNoEvent(Duration duration)

You can advance the virtual time clock with the method thenAwait(Duration). Usually, this method pauses the expectation evaluation for a given Duration, but if a VirtualTimeScheduler has been configured, it will call the method VirtualTimeScheduler.advanceTimeBy(Duration) and the pause will not block testing or the executing thread.

Or you can also call expectNoEvent(Duration), to expect that no event has been observed by the verifier for the length of the provided Duration (using the virtual clock). However, you should only use this method as the first expectation if you don’t expect a subscription. Otherwise, use StepVerifier.FirstStep.expectSubscription() along with expectNoEvent(Duration), because most of the time, there will be at least a subscription event even though the clock hasn’t advanced.

Let’s review all these concepts with an example.

Assuming we have the following sequence that takes twenty hours to complete:

Flux<Integer> getFlux() {
    return Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4)

We can get the Flux in a lambda expression that we’ll pass to the method withVirtualTime:

    .withVirtualTime(() -> getFlux())

However, if we just add our expectation and call verifyComplete(), for example:

    .withVirtualTime(() -> getFlux())

The test will hang. It’s not enough to use the virtual clock, we have to advance it with the method thenAwait(Duration):

    .withVirtualTime(() -> getFlux())

The above test should pass because after twenty hours, the Flux should emit four elements.

Since all verify methods return a Duration value, we can save and print this value to see how much the test really took:

Duration d = StepVerifier
    .withVirtualTime(() -> getFlux())


In my case, it was around one hundred milliseconds.

Also, we can add more expectations. For example, to make sure that nothing happened earlier than it should have, we can use the method expectNoEvent(Duration):

    .withVirtualTime(() -> getFlux())

With expectNoEvent(Duration.ofHours(5)) we’re saying that for the first five hours, the Flux shouldn’t emit any signal. However, if we run the test, it will fail, because there’s a subscription event at the beginning. For this reason, expectNoEvent(Duration) is almost always preceded by expectSubscription():

    .withVirtualTime(() -> getFlux())

This time the test should pass, even though we’re waiting a total of 25 hours before calling the expectNextCount(4) method.

If you want to focus only on the values emitted, the following test should be enough:

    .withVirtualTime(() -> getFlux())
    .expectNext(1, 2, 3, 4)

And, based on this Stack Overflow answer, we can generate a list of values and use expectNextSequence(Iterable) for cases where the Flux emits many values:

List<Integer> list = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 4)

    .withVirtualTime(() -> getFlux())

This works because thenAwait(Duration) pauses the expectation evaluation for a given Duration.

If you use the method expectNoEvent(Duration) instead of thenAwait(Duration):

List<Integer> list = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 4)

    .withVirtualTime(() -> getFlux())

The test will fail:

java.lang.AssertionError: expectation failed (expected no event: onNext(1))
	at reactor.test.MessageFormatter.assertionError(

The reason is that the first element is emitted after five hours but expectNoEvent(Duration) expects that in twenty hours no event happens.

Also, according to the documentation of expectNoEvent(Duration):

… avoid using this method at the end of the set of expectations: prefer expectTimeout(Duration) rather than expectNoEvent(...).thenCancel().