New Java Study Guides

Last December (2023), I began working in my free time on a guide for the Java 17 certification exam.

Since I already had a guide for the second Java 8 certification exam, I thought I could reuse most of the content for this new guide. However, many topics were missing, some had changed, and others seemed incomplete for this new version. In the end, I only used four chapters: Functional Interfaces, Streams, Date/Time API, and Localization.

I finished the book about three weeks ago. I was in the process of reviewing and editing it when I learned that Oracle had just released the certification exam for Java 21. Fortunately, the topics covered in the Java 21 exam are almost identical to those in the Java 17 exam. Here are the key changes:

  • Added pattern matching for switch
  • Added virtual threads
  • Added daylight saving time handling with the Date/Time API
  • Removed topics related to annotations and JDBC

After two more weeks of work, both books are now ready.

You can read them for free here:

The associated GitHub repositories, containing all the book content, can be found here:

If you’d like to support my work, you can purchase the books on Amazon:

Or on other stores:

However, the reader software used in some of these devices doesn’t format the book’s code and tables correctly. I have tested Kobo and Apple and they seem to display the book correctly, but, for example, Everand doesn’t do a good job. Since the source file is the same, I expect this may change in the near future.

As I self-publish my books, it’s easy to overlook details, make formatting errors, or include typos. Therefore, any contributions or feedback are greatly appreciated.


Got any questions or comments? Drop me a message on Twitter (@eh3rrera).