Markdown Tutorial

An interactive tutorial to learn Markdown’s syntax.


  • Result Markdown  
    Emphasis *Emphasis* _Emphasis_
    Bold **Bold** __Bold__

    Heading 1

    # Heading 1 Heading 1

    Heading 2

    ## Heading 2 Heading 2
    Link [Link]( [Link][url_id]
    . . .
    Markdown ![Markdown](http://url/image.png) ![Markdown][a_image]
    . . .
    Inline code with backticks Inline `code` with backticks  
    #Either use
    print 'Three backticks.'
    print 'Or indent four spaces.'
    #Either use
    print 'Three backticks.'
    print 'Or indent four spaces.'
        #Either use
        print 'Three backticks.'
        print 'Or indent four spaces.'
    This is a paragraph.

    This is a paragraph after one blank line.
    This is a paragraph.

    This is a paragraph after one blank line.
    • Item
    • Item
    • Item

    * Item
    * Item
    * Item

    (You can also use + or - instead of *)

    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three

    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three

    1) One
    2) Two
    3) Three

    • Item
      1. This is indented four spaces
      2. This is indented four spaces
    • Item
      • This is indented four spaces
      • This is indented four spaces
    • Item

    * Item
        1. This is indented four spaces
        2. This is indented four spaces
    * Item
        * This is indented four spaces
        * This is indented four spaces
    * Item


    I'm between two rules!
    I'm between two rules!
    I'm between two rules!
  • Result Markdown  
    Strikethrough ~~Strikethrough~~  
    String s1 = "Syntax highlighting";
    String s1 = "Syntax highlighting";
    (See all languages supported here)
    Left-Aligned Center Aligned Right Aligned
    hyphens first row pipes for columns
    colons in the first row to align
    zebra stripes added automatically
    | Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned |
    | :---------------- |:------------:| --------:|
    | hyphens first row | pipes for | columns |
    | colons in | the first row | to align |
    | zebra stripes | added | automatically |
    a task
         a subtask
    a completed task
    - [ ] a task
      - [ ] a subtask
    - [x] a completed task
  • Result Markdown  
    Superscripttext super^script  
    Superscripttext with spaces super^(script with spaces)  
    Strikethrough ~~Strikethrough~~  
    Left-Aligned Center Aligned Right Aligned
    hyphens first row pipes for columns
    colons in the first row to align
    another table row
    | Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned |
    | :---------------- |:------------:| --------:|
    | hyphens first row | pipes for | columns |
    | colons in | the first row | to align |
    | another | table | row |

Created by Esteban Herrera. The code of this page is MIT licensed.
I want to thank (in no special order) Garen Torikian for his Markdown Tutorial, which helped me as an inspiration to create this reference and tutorial. Dave Gamache for his simple and elegant framework Skeleton, Laura Doktorova for his great javascript template engine doT.js, Jacobo Tabernero for his useful plugin nanobar. Alex Kocharin and Vitaly Puzrin for the awesome JS library markdown-it. Scott McClaugherty for SnuDown a great javascript port of Reddit's markdown parser. Tristan Edwards for his great plug-in Sweet-Alert. All the great people behind highlight.js. And last but not least, the awesome guys behind Codyhouse for their articles.